Symes assures train concerns will be heard

18 Mar 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Simone Kerwin JACLYN Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) has reassured locals their concerns will be reflected in the Regional Network Development Plan, due to be released before the State Government budget. Ms Symes chaired the Regional Transport Advisory Group in the development of the plan, which aims to set short, medium and long-term priorities for better regional public transport services in Victoria. The plan will provide a good blueprint for investment, and is in response to community issues, she said. The State Government this week announced its biggest single order of trains in Victorias history worth an estimated $2 billion, to bolster metropolitan services, but Ms Symes said the plan would ensure the government was reminded of the need for improvements in regional areas. I would love to see an investment in new trains for the North East, but we are first looking for short term improvements, and what we can do in the interim, she said. We have already implemented some changes, including a new cleaning service of trains at Albury, and other improvements people can see, such as more hours at Wangaratta so people are not stopping at a closed station. We are keen to do what we can. I cant pre-empt the budget, but Im certainly out there advocating for improvements. Im continually discussing it with the Minister for Transport, the Treasurer and the Premier, and no one is saying we dont need investment. Copyright Agency licensed copy (