Trade options focus of dairy tour

16 Sep 2016 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) by Barclay White A leading Goulburn Valley dairy facility was the first stop for an elite trade delegation designed to boost exports to new and emerging markets across the globe. About 30 international business people got an upclose-and-personal look at the Tatura Milk Industries production facility yesterday. The tour, which was organised by the Victorian Government as part of Food and Beverage Trade Week, is part of a four-year, $12 million program to build business links in international markets. Iranian executive Jalaleddin Maghsoudi, from Tehran-based dairy company Simin Faravar, said touring the Tatura facility was an eye-opening experience. It was very useful. We learned how much they produce, the high quality it was all very interesting for me, Mr Maghsoudi said. The trade relationship between Australia and Iran had soured in recent years due to sanctions placed on the Islamic Republic. However, with the lifting of many sanctions this year, many food producers are hoping to cash in on an exports boom to the populous middle eastern nation. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said Goulburn Valley producers had a lot to offer international markets. The Goulburn Valley produces some of the countrys best dairy products and this is an opportunity for our local companies to show that off to some of the worlds key buyers and investors and create lasting business relationships that will help them grow locally, nationally and globally, Ms Symes said. Other stops on the tour included the Pactum Dairy Group in Shepparton and a visit to a robotic dairy inside the University of Melbournes Dookie campus. Victoria accounts for 80 per cent of Australias dairy exports and trade is worth more than $3.1 billion a year. Caption Text: Business boom: Tatura Milk Industries was the first stop on a tour designed to boost international trade. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence