Wallan play space works begin

19 Apr 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) WORKS on the long awaited Community Bank Adventure Playground at Wallans Hadfield Park is officially underway with the official turning of the sod completed on Friday, April 15. In attendance were Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green, Member for Northern Victoria Region, Jaclyn Symes, Mayor Cr Sue Marstaeller of the Mitchell Shire and representatives of the Wallan and District and Kilmore Community Banks. The new playground will feature and exciting range of play equipment and natural play areas with universal access opportunities. It will offer a variety of active and social opportunities for all ages and abilities as well as a wet play space in summer. There will also be new fencing, seating, shade areas, upgraded toilets, change areas, car parking and pathways constructed as part of the project. Made possible through funding from the State Governments Interface Growth Fund, Wallan and District and Kilmore Community Banks and Mitchell Shire Council, the play space is expected to become a drawcard for locals and those visiting from outside the shire. Cr Sue Marstaeller described the partnership between all parties involved as the key to delivering the project. Turning the sod on this project would not have been possible without such a strong partnership and shared vision to support active, healthy and connected communities, she said. We are delivering a signature playground which will be a regional drawcard for many years to come and local drawcard for the extra 12,000 people under the age of 14 who will call Mitchell home in the next 15 years. Ms Green and Ms Symes both described the play space as an asset to the Wallan community. This is something Wallans young families have been crying out for and will be a boost to the entire region, Ms Green said. This is another great investment in Wallan and another vote of confidence in our community by the State Government, Ms Symes said. Wally Mott, chairman of the Wallan and District and Kilmore Community Banks, advised that the over half a million dollars contributed to the play space project only adds to the $1.8 million already returned to the community in grants and sponsorship since June 2007. The current Hadfield Park playground area barbecue and toilet facilities will be closing on Monday, May 2, until early October for the works. To find out more about nearby playgrounds, toilets and view the plans for the Community Bank Adventure Playground visit councils website . Caption Text: Turning the sod: getting works underway on the new Community Bank Adventure Playground were (from left) Wallan and District and Kilmore Community Banks chairman, Wally Mott, Member for Nothern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green and Cr Sue Marstaeller. Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au)