What you think is important, Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC

Residents of Seymour and the wider district last week got to have their say about the future of public transport in the region and with a bit of luck, some of it might even be acted upon. The Victorian Government held a public forum at the Seymour Club on Friday, part of the consultation as it develops its Regional Network Development Plan for the long-term future of public transport. Long-term plans and public transport have been political footballs ever since the concept of the latter was invented, but State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes told about 40 people who attended the forum, that needed to stop. Theres not a region in my area where someone doesnt raise an issue about public transport, she said. This will be the first-ever long-term plan for public transport in regional Victoria. Work on the plan is scheduled to be completed by October and it will then go to Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan. Any recommendations arising could then be considered in time for the 2016 State Budget and I will be advocating for this area, Ms Symes said. Seymour is a hub of transport, she said. But Im particularly interested in the social aspect of public transport. I know of kids who live in Seymour and go to Tafe in Broadmeadows, but would love to go to Tafe in Shepparton. But the train doesnt get them there and back when they need to. While the plan is a long-term one, it will also have short (five year) and medium (five to 10-year) goals. Those in attendance brainstormed their ideas and came up with the following main issues, which were then expanded on further. That discussion will form the basis of local input into the plan: Customer experience; Timing of services; Access for all; Geographical coverage; Facilities and infrastructure; Better use of buses; Connectivity and coordination of services; and Long-term strategic planning. However, anyone else with ideas is still able to submit them. Either email them to rndp@ptv.vic.gov.au or post to Public Transport Victoria, PO Box 4724, Melbourne 3001 (attention Regional Network Development Plan), by September 11. There is also more information at ptv.vic.gov.au/ getinvolved or you can pick up a survey from any V/Line station. Caption Text: Ideas aplenty: State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes heard about the future of public transport in our area.