Wild dog concerns will be raised with the minister: MP

23 Jul 2018 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Jeff Zeuschner LOCAL farmers elevated concerns over out of control wild dogs will be rasied with Victorian Environment Minister Lily DAmbrosio. Labor upper house member Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) told the Wangaratta Chronicle that concerns raised in correspondence she had received from the Cheshunt Wild Dog League will be discussed with the minister. Ms Symes also indicated she was happy to discuss any additional concerns the league may have an offer its president Terry Ring confirmed on Friday he was keen to take up. The current system isnt working and we are telling our politicians what must change. additional dogmen are needed to help trap the rising number of wild dogs, said Mr Ring. The Upper Ryans Creek sheep farmer earlier this month met with Nationals leader Peter Walsh and deputy leader Steph Ryan and told them of increasing wild dog attacks and stock losses affecting league members stretching from Tatong to Tolmie, Cheshunt, Rose River and Carboor. Mr Ring said the league which is non-political was seeking a solution. Ms Symes told the Chronicle she was well aware that wild dogs are one of the major invasive animals that threaten our farming communities and said DELWP has a number of programs in place for the management of wild dogs in Victoria. The most effective method in managing the impacts of wild dogs on livestock is a cooperative and coordinated approach that utilises a range of proactive and reactive controls, she said.