Winton track upgrade to help rev up local tourism growth

08 Feb 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) WINTON Motor Raceways future as a V8 Supercar Championship venue was reaffirmed yesterday with the opening of a $3.35 million upgrade. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) officially unveiled the upgraded circuit, ensuring racers this year have an even better track to race on and helping the facility to attract even more world class events. Ms Symes said the upgrade, which the State Government funded $ 1 million towards would have flow on effects into the local economy of Benalla and Wangaratta. The track upgrade will allow Winton to continue to hold rounds of the V8 Supercar Championship, and other major events, which continue to attract a growing number of v isitors to the region each year. During the construction phase, the project injected more than $3 million into the local economy and created 26 jobs, she said. This Labor Goyernr ment investment has contributed to the creation of 59 ongoing jobs, and will help Winton Motor Raceway increase patronage by up to 40 per cent. Ms Symes said the improvement project is expected to increase tourism to the Benalla and surrounds economy by $10 million, per annum, from $35 million to $45 million. This investment and track upgrade will ensure that Winton Motor Raceway remains country Victorias premier race venue and continues to host international events such as the V8 Supercars Championship and Australian Superbikes Championship, she_said. Copyright Agency licensed copy (