Wodongas centre for child care

17 Feb 2016 Albury Wodonga News Weekly, Albury (General News) by MONIQUE KUZEFF MARKING almost 30 years since the original establishment of the Jamieson Court Preschool building in Wodonga, an official opening was held at the preschool on Monday after months of extensive and major redevelopments and the integrating of maternal, health and child care services in the precinct. Wodonga councillor Michael Fraser joined Northern Victoria Region MP Jaclyn Symes in opening the $506,000 redevelopment, which was completed last year. Redevelopments included a building extension to provide space for further services including the Trudewind Road Maternal and Child Health service and also to provide better access to family, allied and community support services. The new works have increased the three-year-old and four-year-old program capacities from 23 to 33 places and 44 to 66 places. Cr Fraser said the building extension has paved way for the relocation of other relevant child care and health services. Parents have been through disruptions for three terms during the redevelopment but now with the improvements they can reap the benefits from here onwards, Cr Fraser said. Class time hours have also increased to meet the new demand for child care services. The additional spaces will enable families and parents to interact with their own children and build that community spirit, Cr Fraser said. Ms Symes and Banambra MP Bill Tilley were delighted to see the completion and launch of the the revamped preschool. Ms Symes said the investment in the new child care facilities would be welcomed by families in the community. Not only do we have a kindergarten program here for three and four year olds, but its also a one-stop-shop for parents in the Wodonga area, Ms Symes said. It has incorporated a maternal health service so parents can have access to allied health services, from birth to before their children go to school, its truly a great facility. Ms Symes said the new space still has tribute to the buildings 30 year old history. In the last couple of years (the preschool) was well and truly in need of a makeover and while its a great new space, it has also some of the existing building incorporated in to it. It is a really good facility not only in terms of the aesthetic but in terms of the zen. The Department of Education and Training and Wodonga Council collectively funded the redevelopments, providing $350,000 and $156,000 respectively towards the project. Ms Symes said the council was really committed to child services in Wodonga and it was great to see what could be achieved when both the State and local governments worked together. Caption Text: Northern Victoria Region MP Jaclyn Symes and Wodonga councillor Michael Fraser offically opened the Jamieson Court Preschool. 150296 Picture: MONIQUE KUZEFF Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au