Youth events get funding, Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC

Young people in northern Victoria will put on free local music and cultural events for the community after receiving more than $1 million in Victorian government 2016-18 FReeZA grants. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said 15 councils in the region will share in the funding to run fully supervised drug, alcohol and smoke-free local events. The Towong Shire Council will receive a $35,235 grant for an Achieve and Celebrate project which will provide a series of youth events and programs, organised by young people for young people. Participants will learn valuable project and event management skills and develop initiatives to overcome geographical distance for young people residing across the shire, said Towong mayor Cr David Wortmann. Skill development will provide young people with an opportunity to build local and regional networks, nurture and support one another and to make Towong the ideal place for young people to live, Cr Wortmann concluded.